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Jim Wilder brings his extensive life experiences growing up in the Andes Mountains, his PhD in psychology, and his 30+ years of training leaders on five continents for the realities of business today. Wilder is the thinker behind the Life Model, a lifespan guide to being fully human. He is the author of over ten books with a strong focus on applied neuroscience, maturity, relational skills and resilient leaders.
Marcus Warner is the president of Deeper Walk International, where he equips people in the areas of trauma recovery, mature leadership, and growing joy-filled families. He specializes in taking complex issues and making them simple. Marcus has three advanced degrees and over thirty years of experience helping people and organizations navigate some of life’s toughest challenges.
Ray Woolridge is a retired U.S. Army Chaplain (Brigadier General) with 43 years of service with the military (Ranger and Airborne qualified), in uniform or as a civilian. A skilled public communicator, he also enjoys coaching leaders to discover their uniqueness and unleash their potential. Ray currently serves as the Executive Director of Life Model Works.
Virgie Maney began her career at Wells Fargo as a teller and rose to become a senior leader managing a team responsible for training over 250,000 employees worldwide. Her three decades of experience helping leaders achieve their personal and professional goals have made her a sought-after coach, trainer and motivational speaker. As the founder of Maney & Associates, Virgie provides executive and spiritual coaching to non-profit and corporate leaders.
Dave Mead (Colonel US Army – Retired) served in the military for 31 years, including as a faculty member at the Center of Strategic Leadership in the US Army War College. Dave is Founder/CEO of WeAlign, a strengths-based, joy-focused coaching firm, serving clients in the corporate, military, health, government, and non-profit sectors. Dave is certified with the International Coaching Federation and a Certified StrengthsFinder® Coach.
Becky Halstead, a retired Brigadier General, founded her own leader consultancy company, STEADFAST Leadership, following 27 years of service in the U.S. Army. Becky specializes in inspirational and motivational speaking, developing leader training programs, leader coaching and mentoring. Becky has provided hundreds of keynote speeches and leadership training to the corporate and academic sectors at both national and international engagements.
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